
Monday, 1 January 2018

Updating the Website

Happy New Year!

We hope you had a lovely new years and those of you who did get a day off work today had a lovely day :)

We are hard at work bringing you lots of new and exciting changes for 2018. But the first and most important thing is updating and redoing the website, which lets face it is rather overdue a facelift!

First up is the top bar. I have been brutal and managed to get it down to just seven. Most of the things that were there are still there they have just been tidied up and organised a bit. That should make it a bit easier to find things and makes the website look a LOT neater!

Next up is the home page. Whilst I admit the general images need updating and will do that one of the priorities was to clean it up (and sort out why the bottom bar is on the right AGAIN) Brendon worked hard on this over the last few days and it now looks a LOT cleaner.

Bottom bar hasn't been sorted but Brendon is onto the tech people about this!

Next up is the Paddock Pal category. This is in desperate need of reorganising. When we did the website we didn't stock Schleich and only just introduced CollectA. Obviously now we do huge ranges of these so it needed to look a bit neater.

I'm still contemplating whether I can organise the Schleich in a different way (maybe by type i.e. Horse Club, Farm World etc.) but then there is the issue that not all horses are part of the Horse Club range and that could be confusing and mean people don't see every product they want to. So yea we'll just ignore that problem for a while...

Next up is the Competitions & Shows page. All of these are now combined into one page. It still needs a lot of work but on a basic level it is done.

So that is it for now. Still loads of changes I want to make. If you have any suggestions make a comment below or email me at

Not everything is possible but we are always working to make the site as easy as possible to use.

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