
Thursday, 8 February 2018

Motivation to Create

It's just over a week until my first live show of the year and all those amazing plans I had? Yea they haven't happened.

My scene entry is still in pieces on my desk (and yep I'm working from the coffee table at the moment as a result).

Those horses I was going to paint? Well I mean some of them have paint on that's an achievement right?

Those tack and performance entries I was going to create? Yep those haven't happened.

All those unpainted resins, all those primed bodies, all those ideas and do I have any motivation? Nope of course not!

The only time I ever seem to have motivation is when I get back from a live show, then I'm all like "I'm going to do this and this and this" but the reality is I go to bed and by the next day it's all gone.

So how are we going to motivate ourselves today?

Well first all all we are going to turn off Facebook and stop feeling bad about life because everyone else seems to have finished like 90 horses this NaMoPaiMo and you've like finished some commissions that should have been done in September and put two coats of paint on your model.

Your going to actually work on that scene entry not just stare at it. YOU WILL COMPLETE IT IN TIME FOR THE CF TOUR!

You are going to add those projects to your ToDo List that way you can't avoid them because they will be there every single day. No more "well they aren't on the list and it's faaaaar more important I finish rewriting all these document for BMECS" crap. NO! You WILL work on them.

You shall dream of glory, quite hard for someone who naturally doesn't actually give two hoots how well she does at shows and is just there for the bantz. I SHALL BE COMPETITIVE. Yea that's not actually working I'm just thinking about what cake I'm going to bake. I need to stop with this attitude.

I shall look at what I was doing this time previously (two years ago I was being PRODUCTIVE) and say...DO THIS!

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I shall remember how much I really really really want my new RubberNedz and how I am really really really skint and need to paint some horses to sell them and make money.

I shall remember that people do actually buy the stuff I paint as soon as I paint it and therefore if I could only just paint it it should sell and I'll be able to put that towards NEW RUBBERNEDZ and also a really nice new front door (but maybe RubberNedz first...).

I shall bribe myself with waffles. One waffle for every completed horse/tack piece/task. But first I need to buy waffles....

I shall remember that cleaning isn't that important and it is more important that I paint/finish that scene entry than clean the kitchen (incidentally I just spent half an hour cleaning the kitchen).

I shall remove the cat from my spraying box.

I shall stop pinning images of horses I want to paint on Pinterest and actually paint them....

But most of all I shall DO THE THING

(in this case the thing being that bloody scene entry that really MUST BE COMPLETED SHORTLY).

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