
Thursday, 20 September 2018

A Step Away from Perfection

Do you ever feel really low about your work? You see all these pretty horses that people have painted online and could never be that good?

Well rest assured everyone started somewhere! And that somewhere was not great...

So for today's blog post we are going to take a trip down memory lane and have a look at some of those "yea I'd rather forget that" moments from my customising past!

Feel free to laugh!

(entries for Worst Custom By Owner classes can definitely be found here)!

Check out that over spray! She has black boobs :p

Gold muchly?

Aaa March you never ending winning Worst Custom by Owner entry!

What happens when you dip your horse in coal? This apparently.

What is this? Just what was I thinking!

The infamous cow pony!

Honestly this horse should come with some form of public health warning!

Paint doesn't make it better!

I encourage other artists out there to share their dark past horses! Let people know that they will improve!

And don't worry...even now I still create offences to model horse kind...

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