
Friday, 2 November 2018

Five Showing Hacks

Model horse showing can be tough (First world problem anyone?), it is often stressful, tiring and generally a bit demanding. But it is also so much fun and so very addictive. So for today's Blog post I'm listing 5 showing hacks to make your life a little easier.

1. Tags

A fun example of a horse with a tag! Ashquar always gets a few laughs "GET THIS THING OFF ME" he squeals!

Tags are a bit of a controversial subject amongst some hobbyists and they aren't used as standard here in the UK. But honestly, where you can I would really recommend using them.
On one side write your horse's breed, on the other side write their show name.
Not only will this help you identify your horse in the ring but you won't have to spend time writing their breed down on a post it note. You'll also have their show name waiting if you forget it and can save time writing up results (no running back to your table to check your list because you've forgotten their name).

2. Tack in Advance

Performance is made a lot less stressful if the tack is already on the model when you get to the show!

The first note to make is that tack can damage models if left on them for a long time BUT it saves you a LOT of time at the show if you've tacked them up in advance. I certainly would not recommend attempting to put on bridles etc. on the day. Some people even tie their dolls in place and cut the strings when they go into the ring!

3. Pack in Order

Packing in order is perfect for minis, especially if you are prone to taking spirals of G2 Appaloosas to live shows.

If you are taking a lot of models to a show packing in order is a great way to keep organised. Minis in particular lend themselves to this. I recommend getting some bubblewrap pouches and a shallow box. You can then pack them in rows, standing up and take them out one at a time. This is how I do every BMECS and it definitely saves me time and effort!

4. Back Up List

Having an easy to follow list with all the information you need about the show is really helpful when it comes to making the day go smoothly.

There is nothing worse than getting to a show and realising you've forgotten your list! It puts you on the back foot right from the get go.

So get into the practice of giving yourself a back up list. This could be emailing it to yourself so that you have it on your phone or it could be printing off two and popping one inside your boxes, whatever works for you.

5. Bring a Helper

As a general rule I don't recommend blindfolding your helpers.

If you can persuade someone to come and help you out at shows it will make a marked improvement to your experience. They can do everything from carry boxes to drive you home when you are too exhausted. Give them some cake in return and I'm sure they will be more than happy to help you out :)

If you want to learn more about live showing then visit:

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