
Monday, 18 January 2021

BreyerFest Special Runs - My Priority List

 It feels so weird to be writing Blog posts about special run choices so early in the year! But it hasn't exactly been a normal twelve months so I'm cool with that :D

I thought I would share my BF special run 'list' with you, basically a list of all the special run models in order of most wanted :D I'll do the same with the limited edition models once they are all released.

Absolutely no surprises as to who my favourite is! And probably no surprises that I want the surprise model as well.

But after them I'm not actually too fussed about the others. All I really care about is getting Pollock, he's the whole reason I'm entering for a VIP ticket. I MUST HAVE THAT HORSE!!!

1. Pollock

2. 7 Arts Surprise

3. Knossos

4. Gran Cavallo

5. Pech Merle

6. Ansel

7. Uffington

8. Seurat

9. Tassili

I'd love to know your preference list, share it below :)

Full list of all the BF models is on the Breyer website here: 

1 comment:

  1. I like the look of Uffington best, he's really pretty and it's nice to see a typical double dilute on that mould (although my first impression was to be a bit sad we won't be seeing cremello OR sooty buckskin when it comes round to the first regular run release, they're ticking off all the best and most distinctive teke colours already!)

    Hope you manage to get what you want, I don't know if it's any easier in this online format than when people used to go in person, but perhaps a little less stressful awaiting your email than trying to get them in physical queues!
