
Monday, 18 January 2021

BreyerFest Special Runs - My Priority List

 It feels so weird to be writing Blog posts about special run choices so early in the year! But it hasn't exactly been a normal twelve months so I'm cool with that :D

I thought I would share my BF special run 'list' with you, basically a list of all the special run models in order of most wanted :D I'll do the same with the limited edition models once they are all released.

Absolutely no surprises as to who my favourite is! And probably no surprises that I want the surprise model as well.

But after them I'm not actually too fussed about the others. All I really care about is getting Pollock, he's the whole reason I'm entering for a VIP ticket. I MUST HAVE THAT HORSE!!!

1. Pollock

2. 7 Arts Surprise

3. Knossos

4. Gran Cavallo

5. Pech Merle

6. Ansel

7. Uffington

8. Seurat

9. Tassili

I'd love to know your preference list, share it below :)

Full list of all the BF models is on the Breyer website here: