
Saturday, 15 January 2022

My Favourite Citadel Paint Formulas

Happy Saturday everyone :) Today I thought I would share some of my favourite paint formulas with you. These are my go-to formulas when painting these colours, although I do vary things depending on the shade and the reference picture. Hopefully this is a great starter guide for those of you who are just starting customising or a fun alternative to experiment with for those of you who are experienced.

The colour formulas here are based on the Citadel range from Games Workshop. You can purchase these here:


Layer 1 (highlights): Skrag Brown
Layer 2 (main body coat): Doombull Brown
Layer 3 (shading): Rhinox Hide
Points: Abaddon Black


Layer 1 (highlights): Ungor Flesh
Layer 2 (main body coat): Tau Light Ochre
Layer 3 (shading): Skrag Brown
Points: Mechanicus Standard Grey
Mane & Tail: White + Tau Light Ochre


Layer 1 (highlights): Tau Light Ochre
Layer 2 (main body coat): Abaddon Black
Layer 3 (shading): Naggorath Night
Points: Abaddon Black


Layer 1 (highlights): Pallid Wych Flesh
Layer 2 (main body coat): Kislev Flesh + Ceramic White
Layer 3 (shading): Ungor Flesh + Ceramic White
Points: Celestra Grey
Mane & Tail: Ceramic White + Kislev Flesh


Layer 1 (highlights): Pallid Wych Flesh
Layer 2 (main body coat): Kislev Flesh
Layer 3 (shading): Ungor Flesh
Points: Abaddon Black + Rhinox Hide


Layer 1 (highlights): Kislev Flesh + Ceramic White
Layer 2 (main body coat): Kislev Flesh
Layer 3 (shading): Ungor Flesh + Tau Light Ochre
Points: Abaddon Black


Layer 1 (highlights): Rakarth Flesh
Layer 2 (main body coat): Mechanicus Standard Grey + Ceramic White
Layer 3 (shading): Mechanicus Standard Grey
Points: Abaddon Black

Silver Dapple

Layer 1 (highlights): Tau Light Ochre
Layer 2 (main body coat): Rhinox Hide
Layer 3 (shading): Abaddon Black
Points: Abaddon Black
Mane & Tail: Ceramic White + Ungor Flesh

1 comment:

  1. I've sworn by these paints for years, good to read another painter who's a firm fan and has a really good graps of what paints make what coat colours!
    But I was wondering how come I'd never seen Rhinox Hide, and have to make my own darker browns by adding black to Skrag and Doombull, but looking them up it seems they only make that colour as a base paint, not layer.
    Unfortunately, I've found base ones really difficult to work with, like they're stickier and don't smudge on nicely, ending up with a rough surface and lumpy/speckly shading. If you dilute them to try to avoid the tacky texture, they don't handle well and I can't do my usual dry-brush smudgey shading. Honestly, it's been SO horrible I've had to scrub horses off and start over again cos they were ruined by both base colours I've tried buying over the years.
    I just don't understand it, I treat it exactly the same as the other paints but it just makes a hideous finish and won't play nice, hahah. Even more weirdly, the black is also a base cos they only make it that way, but for some bizarre reason that DOES go on and blend just as well as the layer colours.
