
Saturday, 8 January 2022

Ten Terribly Awful Horse Jokes

Let's brighten up your Saturday by sharing some of my favourite bad horse jokes for you to annoy your family with. Be the absolutely king of yard dad jokes with these awful offerings.

1. What did the horse say to his next door neighbour?

Hay neighbour!

2. Who is the most famous horse rock star?

Jon Bon Pony!

3. What cheese do you use to cover a horse?


4. Why was the horse feeling so stressed?

It was saddle with responsibility

5. What's black and white and eats like a horse?

A zebra

6. What has four legs and walks backwards?

A horse in reverse

7. What do you call a burnt Tesco burger?

Black Beauty

8. Why do some horses get cold feet?

They don't have socks

9. Why can horses jump so high?

They have frogs in their feet

10. What's the hardest thing about learning to ride a horse?

The ground!

1 comment:

  1. What did the bartender say to the horse?
    Why the long face!
