
Tuesday, 21 June 2022

BF Live Auction Models

 Breyer have announced five of their live auction models and they are both super cute:

Firstly we have a Clydesdale Gelding in leopard spotted

Next we have a palomino Andalusian Stallion

My personal favourite is this glossy pinto Fighting Stallion

Although the lovely dapple grey Latigo is also rather lush

And finally we have this pinto Valegro

Also for those who of you who are only attending online like me, in case you haven't seen, we get the chance to purchase one randomly allocated special run model! I'm super excited about this, my favourites so far are Stein, Bears, Marzipan and Rapunzel. But of course what I really want is the surprise horse because, I LOVE SURPRISES!

(knowing my luck I'll get Brahms....) 

1 comment:

  1. That Andalusian is just stunning, one of the best recreations of sooty palomino I've seen on a model horse. The Latigo looks like a genuinely nice custom paintjob rather than a factory finish. And the leopard spotted pattern is so well done with the flow of spots following the coat direction, I love that.
    But these gorgeous one-off paintjobs always make me a little bit sad that we're suddenly much less likely to ever have the same colour/mould combinations as attainable regular runs - I know there's a ton more detail and effort in them than would translate to an RR paintjob, so they're extra special treats to admire and I do like seeing them, but it takes so many combinations off the list for future releases!
