
Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Lots of Tack Making

I've been a busy potato these last few days throwing together some new tack pieces. All are for sale (although one has already sold) and you can order all of them at

First up is a classic scale halter showmanship halter (I use the term classic in the loosest sense of the word). I have piles and piles of Rio Rondo kits so thought it might be a good idea to start working through them. I do rather dispute their large classic sizes but it sort of suits Traditional scale ponies (although is too large for the Hackney as you can see).

Doesn't he look proud of himself for his modelling skills?

For sale at:

Next up are the bridles. All are my simple bridle design, quick and easy to make and nice and cheap, perfect for those on a budget. I've been making a few in different leather colours so that I can update the website with new images for the different product options.

Thank you to this random AQH mare I found in my body box for her very skilled modelling.

First up is black

This one has already sold I'm afraid.

Second up is blue (I do like making blue tack, not entirely sure why but it just looks rather fun).

For sale at:

And finally is natural (this bridle is possessed by a demon, it took me 20 minutes to get the noseband and the throat lash to both do up, although partially my own fault for skiving the leather too thin).

For sale at:

Next up will be to make a white bridle then I'll have a complete colour set (there is already a brown one on the website). Yay for bridles!

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