
Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Painty Painty Painty

I'm already doing so much better than last year when it comes to actually painting some of my horses. I hardly got any done last year but this year we seem to be on a roll. Still don't really have the enthusiasm for it and forcing myself probably isn't good but I appear to be able to create some half decent items despite a complete creative block.

First up is CRS Spectral Zenith (Nadir) (beautifully named by the Chestnut Ridge Facebook fans).

Nadir is a gorgeous pewter pegasus that was given to me by a friend. I wanted to do something rainbowy and colourful but didn't want something completely OTT for once. So I went for a pastel rainbow effect.

I'm so proud of this little guy, he's already BMECS qualified both in workmanship and in hand. Photos really don't do him justice.

Second is another of my many Maggie Bennett pewter minis. This is my second lying down mare to be painted (I have another one yet to do). I wanted something a bit different so went for a chestnut brindle.

She has been named CRS Mystique Summers Madison (if you recognise the name then you are AWESOME).

Next up are two sales pieces although one has already sold.

The first is a teeny tiny night heather painted to a blue roan. I don't do many roans so thought it would be nice to have something different.

The second may seem a little boring but I think was quite sensible. She has been done to a solid black so that she can actually be shown as a Fell Pony! She is the first one I've done that is actually an appropriate colour for her breed, so will make a nice little show horse.

She is for sale here:

Don't they all look gorgeous together as a group?

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