
Friday, 3 April 2020

April's Photoshow is OPEN!

I hope you are all enjoying being inside, or being outside and risking the life of yourself, your family and all those you love so that you can serve your community (YOU ARE AWESOME PEOPLE).

Well if you are stuck inside may I recommend you pop outside to your garden and get some pics of your Traditional scale models because this month's photoshow is all about Traditionals!

It is open to all makes and models, the only requirement is that it must be approximately Traditional (around 1:9) scale. So this would include Breyers, Stones, Customs, Resins and anything else you happen to have that's about the right size.

To enter you first need to be part of the Facebook group here:

Once you've been accepted please read the rules document and comment underneath that you understand:

Then you just need to upload your pictures into each album. Click on 'photos' and then 'albums' and then select the album you want. Each class has its own album.

You can enter up to 6 photos per class. Once you are done just sit back and wait for voting to start.


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