
Saturday, 4 April 2020

Two New Customs

I've been quite busy over the last few days getting some painting done. In fact I'm finishing about a horse a day (there is one with gloss drying downstairs right now). Hopefully I should have some of those new mini whinnie moulds finished soon but as it stands I'm mainly finishing off the batch that have been sat around for several months.

So first up is this lovely chestnut pangare G2 ASB. I love her colour it is really subtle and suits her so well. She has white legs and a big white blaze.

Secondly is this cute little dapple grey G2 Appaloosa. I would happily keep this guy to add to my conga but I need to sell not keep! He has some star dapples and three white socks. So cute!

The nice thing is there is quite a lot of variety in some of the colours. Although there are still lots of chestnuts. I promise to leave my chestnut faze soon and stop this weird obsession with ginger things. But not until I've done just a feeeew more.


  1. I think the lockdown/isolation is getting a lot of model horsey people doing more customs than usual, we're all getting to the 'I really should do something useful to distract and occupy my mind' stage. I just hope I don't run out of mini bodies and have to start on the bigger ones!

    1. O know! I can't imagine anything worse than being forced to work on bigger projects. I hate big horses. I have one ominous looking classic on my body pile, I'm making a point of avoiding him.

    2. I have a hidden corner where I put the ones I'm scared of looking at. There's trad resins in there. Trad resin HEAVY HORSES, just to make it worse. My excuse is that I don't have enough paint in the house to cover one so I'm allowed to leave them there longer and only paint little things (I don't know what the excuse for the ten years before lockdown was...)

    3. (I'm sorry, I can't figure out how to reply to your reply, it's come up as if I'm answering myself!)

    4. I once painted a Brandus resin. I think he took about 5 pots of black paint. I mean I love him to pieces but NEVER AGAIN.

      Also many excuses, housework, tired, work, cognitive load, spoon theory, sooo many excuses for only having time for tiny things.
