Here is a full public link to my pictures from the day:
Apologies that they are so crap, my camera went off for repair and now I just can't get it right.
And here are my favourite shots from the day:
Probably the best present I've received in a while!
My own table:
The raffle:
The Tombola:
My little Patches getting a 3rd place:
Aego who got a second place
Joker getting a second place in quite a large class :D
Spartacus taking a reserve champion
Lisa who just returned from repair and took a 1st :D
The new Breyer Laredo model:
Just love this shot!
Lisa taking a champion
This gorgeous haired Weathergirl is making me very excited about getting mine back!
Most beautiful model of the day award? Well I think I know who that goes to!
This guy looks like he's gonna be awesome!
Lisa taking overall custom champion
Not quite sure how she beat this guy!
The overall champion
And the reserve
And the reserve to reserve