Look who arrived yesterday :D I'd like to thank my mummy and daddy as Bobby Jo was last years Christmas present to me (hence how I could actually afford her).
I am completely in love with her. For once a Premier Club model that I actually like! And.....you may want to sit down for this....she is actually in good condition, I dare to say it but she could actually pass for LSQ! I can't wait to show her.
She is beautiful in person, probably the nicest OF stock horse mould I've actually seen, she is a proper decent stock horse (with the muscles to prove it).
And also...tack friendly! I had serious concerns about that mane and forelock but they have been done perfectly, you can easily add a nice bridle and have her out cutting cattle in no time....now I just need a new Western tack set!
Of course it is well known that horses cannot travel alone, so I got Andreus the gender fluid Unicorn to add to my collection as well.
She has been named CRS Hick Billy Hick
Beautiful face
Someone has a big butt :p
The other side....THAT MANE!
Couple of pics to show that she is tack friendly around the head:
Half decent mapping....on a Premier model? WHAT IS THIS?!?!?
And subtle leg bars, no random stripes like on Wyatt!
And Andreus or CRS Fire The Sun
What do you think? I think the mould definitely looks better as a Unicorn! And I do quite like the colour (I mean its shiny and purple of course I like the colour)!
And check this out from the Horse Sense catalogue that came with Bobby Jo....different mane variation! It has the long mane not the plaited one: