The fourth release in the Breyer Stablemate's Club, and this year's Gamblers choice model, is now available to order for domestic members.
International members have to wait until December to order their final three.
Iris is a gorgeous little pony on the G3 Highland mould.

There are four colour ways available:
Grey Pinto
Silver Dapple
Cremello Blanket Spotted
Which of the four variations are you hoping for?

Personally I would really like the silver dapple (that gloss is lush) or the cremello blanket spotted. None of them would make a good purebred Highland so who cares what colour! That decorator is also gorgeous.

Now there's just the really really really really really long wait until January when I get my one and find out who I've got! Last year I got lucky, the year before I didn't, so who knows. To be fair I would be happy with any of these four they are all really nice.
Got your model? Drop a comment below and let me know which colour variation you received!