So Saturday morning I was not in the mood for a live show. I was ill, tired and had lost my designated driver. I just really didn't want to go.
But I am soooo glad I did!
Brandy and I headed off bright and early (with myself dressed in a onesie), after a brief stop for coffee we arrived rather early at the hall! Which at least secured me a decent parking space!
Having helped Paige set up a bit it became clear that it was going to be a pretty awesome show. The first element of awesome had to be the raffle, it was INCREDIBLE
Yes those are giant baskets of sweets and cuddly ponies :D
I did spend rather a lot on tickets, so probably not surprising I won something. Although I won an embarassingly large amount of things. Including two massive hampers. I had a very very happy husband when I returned home!
So a massive thank you to Paige for running a great show, and for her helpers including her mum and Anne who really helped things go smoothly. I had a wonderful time (and I think Brandy did too).
So full photos can be found here:
But here are some of my selective highlights from the day :)
Uti looking gorgeous as ever :D
A rather bad shot of spotted workmanship
Performance Champion
Performance Reserve Champion
UK heavy horse, including three Shannodells (two plaited and a loose)
Workmanship Champion
Workmanship Reserve Champion
Big horse, little horse
A bit of a room shot from my table
Spotty pony!
Original Finish Champion
Original Finish Reserve Champion
Twitchy ears!
Lion :D
Custom Champion - CRS The Unicorn
Custom Reserve Champion
I love this little model
CTF Champion - CRS Y Deryn Pur
CTF Reserve Champion
Supreme Champion
Supreme Reserve Champion
Supreme Reserve to Reserve Champion