I've had a tonne of tack orders recently so spent the whole of Sunday doing nothing but tack making.
I quite frankly never want to see another piece of leather or a tassle again in my entire life.
But on the plus side we did create quite a lot!
There is another Arabian halter on top of these, but it was so late I couldn't be bothered to photograph once it was dry and just packed it up, I was tired!
First up pink Arabian halter:
A couple of pairs of boots, first bell boots
Second tendon boots
A pair of reins
A black, in hand bridle. Again a bit too lazy to put it on a horse, so Kate very kindly modelled.
A breastplate
A running martingale
And a slightly different design of breastplate, I call these 'hook breastplates' but simply because they need a different name to just 'english breastplate'
So there we go, all done! Still got a load of other ones to do for contest winners, but we are at least making some progress.