Stanhope is the BreyerFest 2023 Open Model Horse Show Overall Reserve Champion prize.
He is a gorgeous liver chestnut sabino on the Big Ben mould. I love the colour, even if the mould is a bit meh
The official Blog of the UK's ultimate model horse resource site.
Stanhope is the BreyerFest 2023 Open Model Horse Show Overall Reserve Champion prize.
He is a gorgeous liver chestnut sabino on the Big Ben mould. I love the colour, even if the mould is a bit meh
There is a new adorable plushie available from Breyer USA and she is just the sweetest little thing.
She reminds me of Galarian Ponyta and Rapidash with the colours in her mane. She also has cute little stars on her side. Overall 10/10 CUTE
She is $9.99 and available on the Breyer USA website now
I told myself that I would finish five of the little resins and pewters I had been painting for Hen Party Live. I was a bit apprehensive that I would not be able to because, you know, life but actually just an hour or so painting yesterday and I finished off the first one!
This is CRS Satanic Bible (aka Susan). We are back on the 'banned books' names hence the slightly unusual name for this girl! Although I do think the name suits this little girl! That face! Bambi pulls this exact face all the time.
I also managed to finish the gorgeous pinto Warmblood so I'll pop some pictures of him up tomorrow!
I honestly cannot believe we are nearly half-way through 2023 already! As we welcome in the horrific May weather and hope for something warmer we also welcome our fifth photoshow of the year.
This May's theme is 'Northlight'. The show is open to all Northlight models, both original finish and custom finish.
There is a range of breed classes which I have tried to split up with reference to the moulds that Northlight have actually produced. I have also now added a partbred class having realised that I forgot it when doing my entries!
This is a great show if you are a Northlight Collector but is also a nice show to enter if, like me, you only have a few Northlight models.
If you would like to enter head along to the group now:
If you are new to Popular Votes Photoshows then please make sure to read the group rules. This is important because we rely on voting for the show to function so if you like photos in the group before judging opens then this causes problems and you will be banned from the group!
The show closes on May 24th 2023
There is a rosette for the show champion.
Enjoy :)
This month we are running a short, free postal show that is open to all. Postal shows are great as all you need to do is send the details of your model, no photograph or real effort required!
The show is completely free and open to all
The class winners will get a certificate to print and the show champion will receive a Safari Palomino Mustang Stallion:
Class List
One entry per class
How To Enter
Send your entries to:
Title your email: Marvellous May Postal Show
Information to include:
Entry Deadline: May 30th 2023
Terms & Conditions